If your radon reading exceeded the 4.0 pCi/L level, mitigation is recommended to reduce the radon to 2.0 pCi/L or less. In fact the EPA recommends fixing/reducing any radon reading between 2.0 and 4.0 pCi/LA A licensed radon mitigation contractor should be contacted to analyze the site and recommend a solution.
What is Radon?
Why is it dangerous?
How do we test for it?
Radon is everywhere.
Let us help you manage it.
About Us
Chicago Radon Testing (CRT) is licensed by the State of Illinois Emergency Management Agency, IEMA, Division of Nuclear Safety, for radon testing. CRT is a subsidiary of Chicago Building Inspections, Inc. (CBI), a leading local inspection company with over half a century of building, renovating, moisture and forensic investigations experience. CBI's staff has inspected literally thousands of buildings and CBI is acknowledged as one of the top home and building inspections companies in Chicagoland.
CRT's licensed radon measurement professionals use only the latest and most sophisticated technology available in the marketplace, the Corentium Pro. AARST-NRPP certified, the Corentium Pro is one of the most sophisticated continuous radon monitors available. It has four silicon photodiode chambers that work in parallel for maximum reliability and performance. Developed by leading European scientists, it is specifically designed for professional radon testing and home inspections.
The lead radon measurement professional at CRT is Don Neag. He is an engineering graduate of Georgia Tech and has many years of experience in the Information Technology field. Don has completed all the required education and certification for radon measurement and analysis in Illinois. Continuous education in the radon field is a required and key part of Don's professional activities.
Services & Pricing
We offer residential and commercial testing:
- The base fee for Radon Testing is $295 including up to 2 additional monitors.
- Properties requiring more than 3 monitors may be subject to an additional monitor fee of $75 each.
- For commercial building tests, including daycare facilities, please call for an estimate.
Our test came back with elevated radon, now what?
The building is brand new, do I need to test?
Short answer, yes. IL has required passive radon piping in new single family and duplex dwellings since 2013. This eases the installation needs and costs of a mitigation system should elevated radon be detected during a test.
Our neighbor tested low, so I should be fine, right?
Wrong. It is not uncommon for adjacent properties to have entirely different radon readings. The radon source, soil composition and building performance can all significantly affect radon levels in next door buildings. We know of a recent test with a 1.2 pCi/L reading result and a house with a radon reading of 14 pCi/L a half block away.
What if the Seller/Owner won't allow radon testing?
While a radon test is not currently required by Illinois law, a radon test is a very wise investment for all parties. It will give all parties an honest picture of what the radon environment is for the property. The only way to determine what the radon presence is for a specific location is to test. Remember, radon is everywhere.
What if the device/test is tampered with?
Tampering with a radon or radon progeny measurement is prohibited by law and may result in civil penalties, the nullification of the measurement and warrant a retest at the seller’s expense.
I'm buying a high rise condo, is testing necessary?
Radon usually builds up in the lowest levels of a building. However, there are some buildings that have a higher radon level in the top floors. This can be due to artificial ventilation, natural updraft, or building materials used.
Measuring all floors can help us make healthier decisions. In most cases, it is better for our health to spend more of our time on floors with lower radon levels.
I've heard that building materials can be problems. Is this true?
Natural stone in countertops and fireplaces can contain radon and contribute to the overall presence of radon in the air although the EPA believes most types of granite are probably not major contributors of radiation and radon in the home.
How long does testing take?
A typical short-term test takes a minimum of 48 hours and can last up to 96 hours. Long-term tests can last up to 1 year in duration. Real estate radon tests are almost always 48 hours in duration.
Does CRT install radon mitigation systems?
CRT as a radon measurement firm is prohibited by state law to install mitigation systems. The same firm cannot both test for radon and install radon mitigation systems in the same site due to a conflict of interest. We can refer mitigation companies with solid work histories.
Radon in water? Seriously?
Radon gas is soluble in water so it can be present in well and municipal water supplies. However, 85–90% of radon found in the home is typically from radon soil gas movement through soil and rock into the building.
Bad weather really screwed up our test, now what?
Weather is out of everyone's control and a re-test may be necessary to gain accurate results. Discuss further with your testing professional.
Our unit is on the 2nd/3rd floor, do we need to test?
Testing is generally recommended for units below grade, at grade and up to the 3rd floor. But as mentioned earlier, elevated radon readings have been found in high-rise buildings. Testing for radon is never a bad idea.
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Don Neag